Chronic Care Coordination and Patient Engagement
Vitalbeat is an easy to use Integrated Chronic Disease Monitoring and Management system for improving quality of life. Clinicians and patients living with long term below mentioned chronic conditions can monitor vitals
and long term health at their convenience based on guidelines.
Vitalbeat is a mobile health application tailored to manage personalized health goals, record Blood Pressure, Weight, Pulse Rate, Breathing Rate, Glucose and many other vital sign measurements. This patient-centric tool ensure the right patient tracks the right metrics, gets the right education and therapies anytime and anyplace. Patients, clinicians, healthcare providers, payers and pharma partners securely record,
share and manage chronic diseases remotely to stay healthy and improve measurable outcomes using informatics and predictive analytics. Users can manage diet and medication compliance by configuring alerts and reminders based on thresholds, goals and clinical requirements. Secure access to social networking sites Twitter and Facebook provide sharing and networking with like minded friends and groups.